Born on 25th of October 1974 (AKA 'the day of the substantial form') as Frank Luc Jan Paemeleire, working from Oostakker (Ghent, Belgium) [email protected]
Frank Paemeleire has always had a large visual appetite. To him, photography is the art of observing, collecting and manipulating. He devises a concept and then hunts for new images or selects them from his extensive archive. He also works with found and digitally constructed images. His practice can be roughly divided into three areas: the visual exploration of the local urban landscape, metaphotographic experiments and therapeutic photography. In the urban landscape, he is drawn to banal objects and non-places. He looks with fascination at how his fellow man diligently shapes his surroundings. Additionally, Paemeleire engages in various photographic experiments through which he tries to understand how the medium of photography and its interaction with the public works. These projects often balance on the border between photography and performance, as always his ironic gaze is never far away. Finally, he is fascinated by how photography can be used in care and self-care. He developed a method for adults with brain injuries and provides training and lectures on this topic.
Group exhibitions
[2024] 'Expo spec.' - Academy of Fine Arts / st. Nicolas church Ghent (June, 16-23) [2023] 'Regenerate' - Student Open call Noorderlicht International Photo Festival / Groningen (NL) (June, 13 - December, 10) [2022] 'Unframed/reframed' - graduation exposition Academy of Fine Arts / Parlor Ghent (June, 17-19) [2021] 'The makeable mind' - Student Open Call Noorderlicht International Photo Festival / Groningen (NL) (August, 7- October, 7) [2021] 'Oostakker anders bekeken' - Davidsfonds Oostakker / OCO Oostakker (August, 27-31) Solo exhibition
[2023] solo show in Maria Middelares Hospital (21/11/22-17/02/23) Books
[2023] 'We were having a great time in Arles until the hemorrhoids decided to show up' (together with Nick Moons Moons), shortlisted for the Book Awards of Les Rencontres d'Arles 2023 link [2022] 'Unconscious plagiarism' link [2021] '365 quotes on photography': link (in stock, €20) [2021] 'THE METACOLLECTION' link [2020] 'Just add photography' (free download): link Teaching [2024] Instructor of the 10 day course 'photography and care' for final-year health care students from Artevelde University College Ghent link Lectures and workshops on therapeutic photography (brain injury clients). |
Drama is life with the dull bits cut out
Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980)
Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980)