Fotograferen met je smartphone
Download hier gratis een PDF met 10 tips voor fotograferen met je smartphone (aangepast voor personen met een niet-aangeboren hersenletsel).
Auteur: Frank Paemeleire (2024).
Auteur: Frank Paemeleire (2024).
smartphone_fotografie_nah_paemeleire.pdf |
Photography is a powerful and accessible medium with many therapeutic applications. I delved into this subject, resulting in a number of lectures, articles and the development of a workbook. On this page you will find more information about these projects. I am also available for in-service training.
Artevelde University College intensive course
Since 2024 I've been teaching the 10 day course 'Photography and care' for final-year health care students from Artevelde University College Ghent. Guest lecturers illustrate the therapeutic use of photography in mental health and coaching. Students also engage in their own personal projects with a focus on self-care.
Artevelde University College intensive course
Since 2024 I've been teaching the 10 day course 'Photography and care' for final-year health care students from Artevelde University College Ghent. Guest lecturers illustrate the therapeutic use of photography in mental health and coaching. Students also engage in their own personal projects with a focus on self-care.
PamiPics in de Blog van Creanaut (Meike Janssens) over Mindful fotograferen
Brain Injury Photogroup
Photography can be a powerful tool for self exploration and non verbal expression in adults with an acquired brain injury. Together with two colleagues I've developed a workbook for a photography course specially designed for this population. There are currently photogroups going on in the Netherlands and Flanders. Pictures of these groups were also featured in the travelling exhibition 'Chaos in my head'. Go to our website to find out more. (Dutch) The workbook is published by Sig and can be ordered here. The first edition is out of print. Sign up to stay informed. |
Oral presentations & workshops
- Paemeleire, F. (2024). Digitale fotografie doelgericht inzetten door personen met NAH. Presentatie op het 2e NAH-congres op donderdag 10 oktober in Congrescentrum Brugge BMCC.
- Paemeleire, F. (2024). Digitale fotografie en afasie: inspiratiesessie klinische toepassingen. Presentatie op de Afasieconferentie op zaterdag 5 oktober in Congrescentrum Woudschouten (Zeist, Nederland).
- Paemeleire, F. (2024). Digitale fotografie en afasie. Presentatie op het 43ste VVL-congres op vrijdag 15 in Kinepolis Gent.
- Paemeleire, F., Aarts, H., & Van Beneden, G. (2017). De NAH-fotogroep: fotografie als ingangspoort en expressiemiddel (workshop voor Sig VZW). Utrecht: Domstad (april).
- Paemeleire, F., Aarts, H., & Van Beneden, G. (2016). De NAH-fotogroep: fotografie als toegangspoort en expressiemiddel. Workshop voor Sig op woensdag 6 april 2016 in Gijzegem.
- Paemeleire, F. (2016). NAH en fotografie. Workshop op NAH kennismakingsbeurs, 13 oktober 2016. Antwerpen: Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool.
- Aarts, H., Paemeleire, F. & Van Beneden, G. (2013). De NAH-fotogroep: een interactief project gericht op subjectieve levenskwaliteit. Signaal, 85, 22-35. Download
- Aarts, H. & Paemeleire F. (2013). De Afasiefotogroep. Logopedie & Foniatrie, 85(3), 6–11. Download
- Aarts, H., Paemeleire, F. & Batens, K. (2011). De afasiefotogroep: rationale en beschrijving van een project gericht op levenskwaliteit. Logopedie, 24, 41–51. Download